We understand that nothing matters more than the safety and comfort of your little ones. That's why we're thrilled to announce our limited-time sale on our Pediatric Safety Bed Collection, featuring an incredible 6% discount when you use the code SKY6 at checkout.

SleepSafe Low Bed
Sale price$5,911.00
Save 44%

Travel Bed Model 100 For Children With Disabilities by Safe Place Bedding
Sale price$499.00
Regular price$899.00

SleepSafe InSIGHT Safety Bed
Sale price$7,195.50

Abram's Nation Safety Sleeper 200 Model
Sale price$5,729.29

Abram's Nation Safety Sleeper 300 Model
Sale price$6,587.29

Abram's Nation Safety Sleeper 400 Model
Sale price$6,857.29

SleepSafe II Medium Bed
Sale price$6,501.00

SleepSafe BASIC Safety Bed
Sale price$6,347.00